The D.C. Redemption

Diagnosis: D.C. Disillusionment Prescription: Hope Last week, all I wanted for Christmas was cloture. I just wanted the Senate health reform debate to be done and over with. Now I’m trying to figure out how I got to this point. When I first came to D.C. a year or so ago, the sentiment of Hope and Change had swept the nation through Obama’s presidential campaign. As a pre-med kid fresh out of college and new to Washington, I let myself get swept away with it. Naturally, my hopes were pinned on the prospect of historic health reform legislation that would be sure to be enacted with Obama in the Oval Office. The Obama campaign message about the reforms to our health care system excited me. I envisioned passionate speeches that lambasted our health care system’s free market ideals that treated a person’s health as a commodity that could be bought and sold. I looked forward to the beginnings of a greater perception of health as an innate, human right. I found myself going into ...