
Showing posts from January, 2010

Longing for Simpler Times

Diagnosis: New Millennium Blues Prescription: 90s Rock Jams Mixtape So let's face it, these are tough times we're living in. The Economy, Mortgage Crisis, Global Warming, Sneezing Pandas , Baby Cannibalism . I mean, this is some serious stuff. And all of these challenges represent phenomena that are unique to the new millennium. We didn't know about this stuff back in the 90s, (or if we did we were at least pleasantly ignorant of them). But now all this stuff is right in front of us, we can't get away, and sometimes that can be some heavy stuff to deal with - especially on a Monday. As you can see from recent media sources below, the America we once knew and loved, is rapidly disappearing. It's enough to make you tear up a little even. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Even Better Than the Real Thing Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis Which is why it's probably good to have a little dose of esc

Live from DC!

Diagnosis: Dead Silence Prescription: Live Music! So my roommate recently blogged about looking forward to the upcoming year in movies. And I gotta say he compiled quite the list. Personally, there are still ‘09 films I need to check out before the Oscars come around, let alone upcoming movies in 2010 (namely Crazy Heart , which looks like The Wrestler except with a country singer) But seeing his list of movies got me thinking of the kinds of outings that I have to look forward to during my foreseeable future in D.C. Not surprisingly, the first thing that came to my mind was the live music scene and all the concerts I want to check out. Now before I go ahead with listing out all the shows I want to see this Winter/Spring, I should probably explain a little bit about why I’m so into the music clubs here in D.C. in the first place. Our story starts in San Antonio, which is a very quaint city in the heart of Texas. The kind of perfect place to settle down and raise a family. Just a

The Lost Blog Post

Woah, so I just found this old post that I never finished from back when I was watching the first season of Lost. Total throwback post, which is pretty fitting seeing as how the last final episodes of the show really tried to tie everything back to the first season. Here are thoughts from the second half of season 1 of Lost... More thoughts from Season 1: Okay, it's been like 6 episodes now and there's been no discussion about who the hell hit Sayid in the head and destroyed the transceiver way back when. I know there's tons of other stuff goin down, but I feel like figuring that out would be pretty important. Do they expect us just to assume it was that Ethan dude? I'm still convinced it was Locke. Hurley just started complaining about not getting enough protein in his diet, and Sun, the Korean wife, just planted a garden. It's like they're rubbin it in the guy's face. Come on now. Locke just knocked out asthmatic girls brother and tied him up. TOTALLY call

The Lost Chronicles

Diagnosis: Stuck in a remote city on the East Coast of America with no current addiction to any hour-long, primetime television drama Prescription: Start watching Lost So apparently there's this show called "Lost" and it's a big hit in these parts and I've been totally missing out because I've been hiding under a rock instead of watching it religiously. Well let me tell you something, my days of hiding under a rock are over. The last season is coming up and so I'm determined to try and get a sense of what's going on so that I can follow along. So a buddy of mine let me borrow the DVDs for a few of the seasons and I'm trying to catch up. Now I feel like one of the best parts of watching a show like this is that you can watch it with friends and see all the crazy stuff they throw at you, and then during the commercial break you can be like "What the hell was that" and then speculate as to what's going on. Well, unfortunately, I'm m

Autobiographical Monday MixTape

Diagnosis: Futuristic Musical Nostalgia Prescription: Mixtape Autobiography So I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty familiar with oldies music. When I was in middle school, my Mom would drive me and my friend to school in her 1986 Volvo (props to my mom for the safety and reliability in her choice in automobiles). Seeing as how the car had aged quite a bit since the hayday of the mid-80s, it had a few problems - like how the radio tuner was busted, for example. Darn thing only played AM radio stations. So every morning on the way to school, instead of listening to awesome 90s pop or hip-hop tunes, we listened to KONO Good-time oldies . I remember noticing how much my Mom enjoyed listening to it as she hummed along to the melody while twiddling her thumb up and down on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song. One morning (when I was actually awake and not distracted by watching raindrops race across the windshield while I silently cheered for them ), I asked her if this was