Humidity and some tunes

Diagnosis: Humidity

Explosions in the Sky (no, not that kind, even though they're awesome too)

I know it's still technically somewhere between Spring and Summer right now, but I was just outside earlier today and the humidity was so bad that it literally felt like walking through a cloud trapped inside a sauna housed in the heart of the tropical rainforest while wearing a snuggie.

During the short time that it took to enjoy a meal at Five Guys, it randomly started pouring rain outside in broad daylight with the sun still shining and everything. Now I don't know if I'd necessarily classify that as rainfall, because really it was more like the air was so drenched with humidity that it literally couldn't get any more saturated than it already was, and so the atmosphere just sorta burst open and the air turned into water and got everybody on their way to Target soaked. And then within five minutes it was over and back to just being hot and sticky and humid again.

The whole thing reminded me of that whole "cloud seeding" thing that China was trying to do back during the Olympics in order to force it to rain (to which Jon Stewart cleverly remarked "Here's how you know when a country has become a super power: when it has super powers"). Made me we wish we could actually somehow use this in the present day to force it to rain and possibly offer some sort of respite.

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So even though it's still technically "Spring" (cuz Summer doesn't officially start until June 21st) the weather's pretty much has indicated that Spring is, in fact, long gone and the sweaty days of Summer are upon us. So in preparation, I've started workin on a new summer mixtape for the hot months ahead. But since it's taking me a while to put it together, I figured I'd revisit the mixtape I made for the Spring as a preamble. It features some cool tunes from Girls, Los Romanticos de Zacatecas, Pavement, and Neko Case (which I know sounds super random, but it works out...I think). Check it out here via Grooveshark, as well as a little sample of one of the songs from the mix below.

In other news, there's a ton of stuff going on right now (World Cup, NBA Finals, about seventeen different vampire TV show premieres)and it's all helping to distract from the end of my favorite TV shows and the lack of any really good summer movies. So hopefully I'll be talking about all these others topics in the days/weeks to come.



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